Preferred format for submission
Acceptable format for submission
Preferred format after your article has been accepted
File type
Line art: Includes graphs, flowcharts, diagrams, scatter plots, and other text-based figures that are not tables. Important! If a figure includes both line art and images, follow guidelines for line art
Any standard file type. When in doubt, submit a PDF
Any standard file type
Images: Images include photographs, drawings, imaging system outputs (such as MRIs or ultrasound), and other graphical representations
Any standard file type. When in doubt, submit a PDF
Any standard file type
Line art: Resolution for line art needs to be higher than for images because each individual line must be more precisely rendered. Tip! Larger fonts make for easier reading
600 dpi
Any, as long as it is legible to the editor and peer reviewers
600 dpi
Images: Although many web-based images often appear at very low resolutions, readers will benefit most from your research if your images offer high-resolution detail
300 dpi
Any, as long as it is legible to the editor and peer reviewers
300 dpi
Image size
Small: Used for small line art and images that will occupy one-quarter of the page
At least 80mm canvas size or 1800 pixels wide
Any, as long as it is legible to the editor and peer reviewers
At least 80mm canvas size or 1800 pixels wide. Smaller or larger images will be modified during composition, which may reduce quality
Large: Used for larger line art and images that occupy a half-page or an entire page. Carefully consider the minimum space necessary for each figure
At least 80mm canvas size or 1800 pixels wide
Any, as long as it is legible to the editor and peer reviewers
At least 80mm canvas size or 1800 pixels wide. Smaller or larger images will be modified during composition, which may reduce quality
File size
Individual files: Individual figures may load slowly or time-out slower systems if they are too large
Less than 10 MB each
Any, but large files may be difficult for editors and reviewers
Any, but large files may be harder to transfer
Complete, zipped package of article files: Submission systems often limit total file size
Less than 500 MB total
Any, but large files may be difficult for editors and reviewers
Any, but large files may be harder to transfer
File name
To facilitate ease of review, name figure files only with the word ‘Figure’ and the appropriate number
One figure per file
All figures in a single PDF, Word document, or as a part of a LaTeX submission
One figure per file
Legends and labelling
Use Arabic numerals, follow the order in which the figures appear in the manuscript, and explain any abbreviations or symbols that appear in the figure
Figure 1. A good figure legend succinctly describes the content and enhances understanding with clear labels.
A separate ‘Figure legend’ section in the manuscript, after the references
Anywhere in the article, clearly indicating which figure it explains
Anywhere in the article, clearly indicating which figure it explains