Open access agreement for authors at eligible Czech institutions

Your institution wants you to publish open access

Wiley and CzechELib have an agreement which allows eligible authors to publish open access without paying an article publication charge (APC). The cost of publishing is covered under the terms of the agreement.

Corresponding authors affiliated with participating CzechELib institutions may publish gold open access in any hybrid journal, at no charge. By choosing gold open access an article is immediately and freely available for all to read, download and share.

When selecting open access, please note CzechELib institutions strongly recommend choosing a CC BY license (rather than CC BY-NC or CC BY-NC-ND) where available, in order to meet your grant agency's conditions.

Your institution wants you to make your article gold open access.

Publishing open access:

  • Complies with institution or funder mandates
  • Allows you to retain copyright through a CC BY license
  • Enables automatic deposit in PMC (when appropriate)

Read more about the advantages of publishing open access here.

Check your eligibility:

  • You must be the responsible corresponding authorThe responsible corresponding author is the author who manages the manuscript and correspondence during the publication process - from submission through publication. This author has the authority to act on behalf of all the co-authors and will also be the contact for inquiries after publication. affiliated with an eligible institution at the point of acceptance (if you are no longer affiliated with an eligible institution at the point of acceptance of your paper, you do not qualify)
  • You must publish open access in a hybrid journal
  • Your manuscript must have been accepted for publication on or after 16 January 2023
  • Your article must be primary research or a review article. Other article types e.g. letters, editorials etc. are excluded
  • This agreement cannot be used to cover additional charges (e.g. cover, color, and page charges), which individual journals administer separately
  • If submitting to a hybrid journal, and you don't order open access initially, your manuscript will be published under the traditional closed access model. You may order open access retroactively, but once your paper is published in Early View or In Issue online you are no longer eligible to publish at no charge
  • Some institutional funding policies may differ for gold and/or hybrid open access APCs. Please check with your library for any exceptions.

Please contact your university or library with questions.

Follow our step-by-step guide and publish open access today